Tag: Gulfstream


Brazil has long been on my mental “bucket list” of places to visit. Not only is it one of the world’s largest countries both geographically and by population — fifth on both counts — but it’s also the center of attention right now because they are hosting 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics. Then there’s the Amazon rainforest; one in ten known species in the world lives in the Amazon, by far the largest collection anywhere. Anyway, recently a two-week trip came up that allowed me to cross this one off my list in the best way possible: on the company dime. Read more →

The Missing Link in Flight Simulation

Several months ago I mused about the how ever-advancing computer technology has led to a marked improvement in simulators for the light GA market. Reader Keith Smith later alerted me to a corresponding service he had developed called PilotEdge. His company’s mission is to add a level of realism to the general aviation FTD that not even the multi-million dollar Level D boxes have thus far been able to offer. I was intrigued. What could possible transform an inexpensive Flight Training Device that way? In a word: radios. Read more →


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