Day 10 brings some final review, a mock oral exam, and the end of ground school — finally! From here out it’s all simulators and tests. Read more →
Tag: Simuflite
G-IV Type Rating, Day 9
Day 9 of G-IV ground school, focused on on abnormal procedures, troubleshooting, and emergency checklists. Read more →
G-IV Type Rating, Day 8
It’s day 8, and we’re conquering the time pressure of learning the checklists and functional tests on the Gulfstream IV. Also, CRM improvements and a video clip of a crew making their first takeoff in the G-IV sim. Read more →
G-IV Type Rating, Day 7
Day 7 brings performance calculations, weight & balance, and another shot at the simulator. Is that a light at the end of the tunnel? Or a train bearing down on me? Read more →
G-IV Type Rating, Day 6
God may have rested on the seventh day, but thankfully we got a break on day six! Also, I answer a reader question about my impressions of Dallas. Read more →
G-IV Type Rating, Day 5
Day five brings about the end of the first third of training for the G-IV type rating. Finally starting to feel like I understand the systems. But boy am I ready for a day off! Read more →
G-IV Type Rating, Day 4
Day 4 of type training can be summed up with two words: ‘checklist’ and ‘long’ Read more →
G-IV Type Rating, Day 3
Day three of the Gulfstream type rating, with major emphasis on aircraft systems. Pneumatics, electrics, fuel, hydraulics, etc. Read more →
G-IV Type Rating, Day 2
Day two at Simuflite: avionics training, basic procedures, and a chance to work the avionics for “real” in a sim. Oh, and I got hacked! Read more →

G-IV Type Rating, Day 1
Day one of type rating training on the Gulfstream IV business jet. Paperwork, orientation, and first impressions. Read more →